How to Achieve Equal Business Stature in Sales

Equal business stature (EBS) is a concept that describes how a prospect or customer views you in a business setting. Are you a peddler trying to make a quick sale or are you a trusted professional attempting to generate a positive outcome for all parties? Respect, credibility, and trust must be earned if you are going to be perceived as an equal business partner.

People are far more likely to purchase from someone they view as capable and professional—so always be aware of the image and brand you are projecting. EBS can be won or lost within the first few minutes of a meeting or the first few sentences of a phone call. First impressions are powerful and lasting—so pay close attention to the image you’re conveying. Maintaining equal stature remains vital throughout the entire sales process, without compromise.

On one occasion, I lost a deal during the first meeting because I continued to mispronounce the prospect’s company name during my presentation. The engineering manager walked me to my car as he debriefed me about my embarrassing faux pas. That experience has stuck in my mind to this day. Another lost opportunity occurred because I arrived 10 minutes late for my meeting with a CFO. I learned the value and importance of EBS the hard way and have endeavored to improve continually as a result.

Possessing a professional and polished appearance and having effective communication skills will have a significant impact on whether or not you’re perceived as an equal. Other traits that carry a great deal of weight are product knowledge, preparedness, confidence, and punctuality. In 3D printer sales, every form of communication leaves an impression and mistakes can be costly, so devote yourself to continuous improvement. When you make mistakes, dust yourself off and remember the lesson. Mistakes happen to the best of us. Top performers are viewed as equal partners by their customers; if you put in the work, you will be too!

Harris, Christopher. “Equal Business Stature.” “Phase Selling for Additive Manufacturing.” 2020, pp. 66-67.

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